

This event is presented as part of Front Beach, Back Beach ( FBBB), an exciting new project delivered by Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery and Deakin University's Public Art Commission. FBBB has commissioned leading Australian artists to respond to key sites and stories that have shaped the Mornington Peninsula. For the full program visit

RUTHLESS is interested in the dark undertow of a sunny beachside suburb. It is a guided meditation through the dark. A journey through a psychosocial hinterland. A queer horror on the beach. Meet someone at a kind-of paradise. Get onto a bus. Drive along the beach road. Past the new cars, and the new houses and the picture window scenes of families playing board games. Something more sinister is brewing in the man-made inlets and the dank undergrowth of the territory between. You are alone at night in a place you don't recognise, even though it's your home. 

RUTHLESS is about being well, being afraid, being “relaxed and comfortable” in the face of threats or fears we can’t see or name. It’s about the pressure to be OKAY. Gold Santino invites you to look underneath the Peninsula’s sunny, primary-coloured holiday branding, its comfort and self-confidence, to find a more unsettled topography.

 Like Gold Satino's most popular works, the audience will be taken to a minibus to experience the work from inside the vehicle.

Sessions - Friday 11 November, Saturday 12 November, Sunday 13 November at 8.00pm and 9.30pm 






  • Friday, 11 November 2022 | 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM
  • Friday, 11 November 2022 | 09:30 PM - 10:30 PM
  • Saturday, 12 November 2022 | 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM
  • Saturday, 12 November 2022 | 09:30 PM - 10:30 PM
  • Sunday, 13 November 2022 | 08:00 PM - 09:00 PM
  • Sunday, 13 November 2022 | 09:30 PM - 10:30 PM


Martha Cove

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