Natalya Hughes: In-conversation with MPRG Curator, Dunja Rmandic

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Natalya Hughes' practice is concerned with decorative and ornamental traditions and their associations with the feminine, the body and excess. Recent bodies of work investigate the relationship between Modernist painters and their anonymous women subjects.

In this conversation, Natalya will speak to the research that informed the development of The Interior, as well as the collaborators she engaged with to bring this large scale vision to fruition. Natalya will also discuss the development of the imagery in the work and the ways they reference Freud's own office, his written case studies, and the symptoms that plagued his patients.

Natalya completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane in 2001 and a PhD in Art Theory at the College of Fine Art (UNSW) in 2009. She currently lives in Brisbane and is the Honours Program Director, Visual Arts at the Queensland College of Art. She is represented by Milani Gallery (Brisbane) and Sullivan+Strumpf (Sydney).

Image: Natalya Hughes


  • Saturday, 25 November 2023 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


MPRG, Civic Reserve, Dunns Rd, Mornington, 3199, View Map

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